The past couple of months have been an endurance run
I recently ran a half-marathon trail run. The terrain was very hilly and the trails were covered with roots and rocks. I love these events because they test my stamina and fortitude, and I love being in God’s good creation. As in any endurance sport, your legs get weak and your energy wanes the longer you run. It’s both a mental and physical game to finish in the time you desire—or still be able to walk on your own to the car—but the scenery, fellow runners, and beauty of the woods make the pain go away as you push toward the finish line.
The past couple of months have been an endurance run for us at Carroll. The purchase of our new facilities and planning the build-out of our offices, meeting and teaching spaces, along with our regular responsibilities, have challenged all of us. But just like the beauty of God’s creation that overrides your aching muscles on the trails, seeing God continue to work in the lives of those we serve in our courses and partnerships makes it worth it all. Thank you for your prayers and support through these days of transition. I want to thank the Carroll faculty and staff who have taken on the extra work to continue our mission to equip men and women called to serve Christ and His church.
We continue to make plans to move into our new facilities in Irving, TX, and our anticipation continues to grow as we see the build-out plans, color boards, and talk with vendors and contractors. God has provided an ideal facility for the hub of our global enterprise, and we continue to progress toward a move-in date this spring. (Notice, I did not put a date on our move. You know how plans are one thing and reality of completing a job like this is another.) Please review the items we would like to have donated before we move into the space. Prayerfully consider donating all or part of these items on behalf of a loved one or toward an aspect of Carroll’s mission. God has provided what we need to purchase the building. We expect God will provide what we need to serve there. You can donate here.
Before we move into the new facilities, we will host The Newport Foundation and Carroll Institute Pastor’s Conference on March 27. This will be a time not only for fellowship with other church leaders but a time to be equipped to share and defend your faith in a rapidly changing culture. The line-up of speakers is superb, and they will inspire and inform you. Dr. Nancy Pearcy will speak from her new book, Finding Truth: 5 principles for unmasking atheism, secularism and other God substitutes. Carroll’s own, Dr. Karen Bullock, will debut her biography of John Newport, and Drs. David Naugle and Robert Stewart will offer practical apologetics you can use in your home, work, or school relationships. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your faith and fellowship with others on the front lines of ministry. Each participant will receive a free copy of Dr. Newport’s most popular book, Life’s Ultimate Questions. You can register here.
We are all in a race of faith. As you may guess, one of my favorite passages of encouragement from Scripture is from The Letter to the Hebrews:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-3; ESV)
As we enter the next few months of “the race that is set before us,” my prayer is that we keep our eyes on Jesus and run with the endurance of trust and joy found in our relationship with “the founder and prefecter of our faith” and those God has placed in the race with us.
Running with you,