B. H. Carroll Theological Institute: Our Curriculum Part One – Scripture and Witness

Our Curriculum

The curriculum design for the Institute is built around the organizing principle of four Learning Clusters. These clusters are natural convergences of the functional roles in ministry. Each cluster develops a set of skills and synthesizes learning for ministers to use in planning and exercising the responsibilities related to the calling and mission of the church. The four clusters collectively form a continuum of practical learning built upon the academic subjects, which are arranged as follows:

Scripture and Witness (SW)

Biblical Languages – SWBLA
Biblical Literature – SWBLI
Biblical Interpretation – SWBIT
Biblical Preaching – SWBPR

View Scripture and Witness
Course Descriptions

Reliance upon the Scripture as the Word of God and the indispensable role of biblical truth for faith and ministry; communication of the message of the Bible centered in the proclaimed gospel, addressed in relevant terms to contemporary culture, and reflected in the tasks of preaching, teaching, and witness that lead to such competencies as:

  • To engage reading strategies in the use of Scripture that enhance personal growth, critical awareness, and lifelong learning
  • To appropriate the historic witness of the Scripture in its ancient setting by adequate study of the literature, history, and culture of the Bible
  • To access the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Scripture using linguistic skills to prepare biblical sermons and to teach biblical content
  • To expound the meaning of biblical texts using proper methods and principles of exegesis informed by historic Christian practice and responsive to current needs
  • To interpret diverse portions of the biblical canon in terms of the whole of Scripture, seeking unity between the two testaments, so that the Bible may function properly in theological reflection and worship by the church
  • To construct and deliver sermons that are biblical and homiletically sound, setting a program of self-critique for improvement and interchange with those who hear
  • To communicate biblical truth through preaching, teaching, writing, and personal witness, or through music, worship, and other appropriate modes
Published: Jan 1, 1970


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