One of B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary’s earliest and staunchest supporters, Joan Trew went to join her Savior in December of 2024.
An early Governor of the seminary, Mrs. Trew helped to launch the success of the first accredited online seminary in a completely new way of delivering theological education. She combined her business acumen as a top realtor in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with her love of God and her belief in higher education to support Carroll in its early days of existence.
“You could say that B. H. Carroll would not have the strong foundation it did without the prayers, support, and encouragement of Joan Trew. Her belief in the mission of Carroll and her personal friendship with the founders and me, gave me the confidence to continue to carry out our shared mission no matter the circumstances we faced,” said Gene Wilkes, Carroll’s second president.
Mrs. Trew was a faithful friend until the end, as she attended Dr. Bruce Corley’s Sunday School class every week at the Stayton where she lived in Fort Worth.
We thank the Lord for the gift of Joan Trew in the life of the seminary and for the relationships formed therein. Her investments of time and talent are eternal; so many lives have been forever impacted because of her generosity.