Ricardo Brambila, Alumni Spotlight

Ricardo Brambila is a B. H. Carroll 2024 Doctorate of Ministry graduate. He joined Carroll in 2019 and just recently graduated. He is also a faithful Carroll donor and committed to following Christ. We invite you to get to know Ricardo!

When did you first hear about Carroll?

I heard about B. H. Carroll through a conversation with Dr. Albert Reyes. We talked about continuing my education for ministry. He shared that B. H. Carroll professors’ experience in teaching and ministry made them the best. I had previously known B. H. Carroll through Dr. Wilkes’ writing on Jesus on Leadership.

How has Carroll impacted your life and ministry?

B. H. Carroll has impacted my ministry, family, and career. My time at Carroll has strengthened my calling to serve the Lord and my desire to redevelop the city of Primera, Texas. I mentioned family because Carroll guided me through a doctoral process that allowed me the bandwidth to continue to be a father and a husband. My professors genuinely cared for my family, and my wife and children discovered that hard work and dedication enabled me to achieve a family goal. Because of this, I am a better pastor, leader, and professional.

Do you have a favorite quote or book?

…the church due to theology’s isolation within the academy: the ecclesial anemia of theology. Not only does the church suffer from theological anemia, but theology suffers from ecclesial anemia.”

Gerald Hiestand, The Pastor Theologian: Resurrecting an Ancient Vision (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2015), 17.

What is one interesting thing about you?

I have been a bi-vocational minister for the past twenty years, leading at the executive level for non-profit ministries such as Buckner Children and Family Services and West Dallas Community School.

What do you enjoy in your free time?

I love to spend time in devotion with God’s Word. I enjoy spending family time with my wife, Janeth, and my two sons and daughter. When possible, I enjoy playing basketball with good friends.

Published: Sep 30, 2024


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