2024 Omega Lambda Alpha Award Recipients


B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary has taken the opportunity to encourage and recognize alumni who have distinguished themselves through intellectual achievement, Christian character, and leadership ability by nominating them for the Omega Lambda Alpha Honor Roll, a newly formed B. H. Carroll society following in the steps of the previously named Delta Epsilon Chi Honor Society of the Association for Biblical Education.


The three Greek nouns translated “rightly handling the word of truth” (ορθοτομουντα τον λογον της αληθειας) in 2 Timothy 2:15 begin with the three Greek letters omega lambda alpha, and thus the name and meaning of the Honor Roll.


This year’s Omega Lambda Alpha Honorary Alumnus recipient is Jeremy Greer, a 2014 B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary Doctor of Philosophy graduate.


This year’s Omega Lambda Alpha Honorary Graduate recipient is Marcus Norris, a 2024 B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary Master of Arts in Religion graduate.


Through their ministry of theological education, Dr. Jeremy Greer and Marcus Norris exemplify biblical values through their intellectual achievement, Christian character, and leadership ability. Congratulations to both!

Published: May 25, 2024


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