Four Added Letters

While working on my MDiv degree, my neighbor was finishing up his doctorate. Over thirty years before the Jill Biden discussions, Keith instructed me in his preference for how to refer to him after his imminent graduation. He had become concerned after realizing there was a nearby church that called their pastor “Doctor”—even though the pastor had no such degree.  Keith’s solution was to move to the end of his name and put the doctorate’s abbreviation there.  That way, no one would misconstrue what kind of doctorate he had or question the fact it was earned.  

Whether or not his solution makes sense to you, have you thought, or prayed, about adding some letters behind your name? If so, this is the perfect time to consider the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree at B. H. Carroll Theological Institute.


The DMin offers a specialty in the praxis of ministry.  It enables graduates to improve their skills for their current ministries and to equip themselves for future challenges. Many DMin students also foresee the degree opening future doors which would otherwise be closed to them.  Most of all, B. H. Carroll DMin students believe it is God’s will they pursue this degree at this institution.


Now is the time to begin the general application process to join the 2021 Fall Cohort. The General Application is due by March 1. You’ll need to submit the following, and this takes a little time to complete:

  • An online application
  • Transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Church endorsement
  • Personal statement
  • And a photo

Once successful submission of the above material has been completed, we’ll ask you to complete the application by submitting results from the MAT or GRE exams and a sample of a research paper. The final step will be an interview with the Doctoral Programs Committee.  


In 2020, the Association for Theological Schools updated entrance requirements for the DMin. Those updates mean: 1) An MDiv is no longer required. If you have a master’s degree in any type of theological area, you are likely eligible. 2) Three years of experience, after completing your masters, is also no longer required. Today, three years of total ministry experience—including part-time, volunteer, and ministry concurrent with your master’s degree—qualifies you to apply for the DMin program. 

3) Finally, “in-residence” requirements are also no longer required. B. H. Carroll successfully tested this idea for ATS, and a non-residential DMin is now officially allowed. You can complete our DMin degree from anywhere in the world through asynchronous classes and the use of Zoom. 


After observing the many doctoral students who uprooted their families and careers to begin doctoral programs, I decided to plunge immediately into my doctorate while I was “in the groove” for studying.  I moved immediately from my master’s degree to my doctoral work with no break—like it is the last leg of a race. I think that’s still a beneficial plan. So, if you just graduated, or anticipate graduation in May, you may want to start the application process now.  

On the other hand, if you’ve been out of school for some time, you can now enter the DMin program without uprooting. So, you could leave your family in place and help your current ministry while you continue your studies.  

Ultimately, we’re back to the important question of, “What is God’s will for my life?”

I’d love to pray with you, visit with you, and/or answer any questions you might have. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at or (936) 215-6196.

Published: Jan 25, 2021


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