Carroll Bullet Points, March 2020

B.H. Carroll Theological Institute introduces Carroll Bullet Points, a quarterly rundown of the advances, changes, and happenings at the Carroll Center and beyond. 

Cathey contributing to new Baker project, Biblical Illustrator

Dr. Joseph R. Cathey, Carroll Fellow and Associate Professor of Biblical Languages and Literature, will be part of a new project from Baker Books. The Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words (tentative title) is being edited by well-known scholars Tremper Longman III and Mark Strauss. 

“We envision a cutting edge, easy-to-use expository dictionary that will help pastors, seminary students, and interested laypeople to gain a deeper understanding of Hebrew and Greek words that are behind the biblical translations they use,” a statement from the publisher said. 

Cathey, who oversees the Scripture & Witness Cluster at B.H. Carroll is contributing 63 articles, or about 22,600 words to the project. He is also contributing an article to the Fall 2020 issue of Biblical Illustrator from Lifeway. The article will focus on Sennacherib, king of Assyria from 705-681 B.C.

New library resources available to Carroll students

Two new library sources are now available for B.H. Carroll students and faculty. ProQuest Ebook Central gives Carroll students access to full text books (130,000 titles on the latest count). The service replaces Questia as Carroll’s ebook database, according to Don Day, B.H. Carroll’s director of libraries and information services. 

This April, Oxford Biblical Studies Online (OBSO) database marks its first full year in our Carroll Learning Center (CLC). OBSO is made available through the generosity of Dr. Burton Patterson. The virtual library combines biblical texts, commentary, and reference materials to assist students to study scripture.

Tomlin named Carroll Fellow

Dr. Gregory Tomlin joined B.H. Carroll in late November as a Carroll Fellow and Associate Professor of Christian Heritage. He comes to Carroll following the retirement of Dr. Jim Spivey, though Spivey will remain active in the Marsh Center for Chaplains Studies. Tomlin will oversee Carroll’s programs in China, the Faith & Heritage Cluster, and the diploma program. 

Tomlin has most recently served as Associate Professor and Faculty Instructional Mentor with the Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty University. He has a background in higher education marketing and helped start the University of North Texas at Dallas. He holds an M.A. in Church History and Theology, as well as a Ph.D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also studied at Baylor University and Boston University’s Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs. 

Dr. Portugal

Elsen Portugal has successfully defended his dissertation before the Doctoral Programs Council at B.H. Carroll. His work, “Fusion Music Genres in Indigenous Brazilian Churches: An Evaluation of Authenticity in Xerente Christian Contexts,” was presented to the Council in early February. Dr. Portugal lives in Hot Springs, Ark., and is the accompanist for chapel services at Ouachita Baptist University in nearby Arkadelphia.  

Published: Mar 26, 2020
