An Update on Development at Carroll

Hello! My name is Bridget Lenhardt, and I recently joined the Mission Advancement Team here at B. H. Carroll Theological Institute and have the privilege of serving alongside the outstanding faculty and staff. My charge is to lead the efforts to secure critically needed resources. I’m beyond grateful that God has opened the door for me to serve Him in ministry. 

Here’s a little bit about me. I earned a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from Dallas Baptist University. My work background includes fundraising, donor relations, and communications. Giving back to the community is one of my core values. I enjoy volunteering with KCBI radio as part of their prayer team, Compassion International at their events helping to get kids sponsored, and Medical City Arlington as a chaplain. I live in Arlington, Texas with her husband Dave. I have one married daughter and a proud nana of two grand blessings. 

I have the utmost gratitude for all B.H. Carroll supporters! You are making a transformational difference with helping to equip missional leaders! 

I’d love to hear from you and give you an update on B. H. Carroll. You can reach out to me at:

Office: 972-580-7600 ext. 38

Cell 314-882-4972

Please let me know how I may pray for you.  

Bridget Lenhardt

May God continue to richly bless B.H. Carroll supporters, faculty, staff, students, and alumni!

P.S. Your year-end giving opportunity is coming soon! More details to follow!

Published: Sep 26, 2019


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