B.H. Carroll Theological Institute Forms Academic Partnership with Stark College and Seminary

On Monday, July 22, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed between Stark College and Seminary and B.H. Carroll Theological Institute which presents both organizations with tremendous value. The purpose of this MOU is to create an academic relationship between the two higher education institutions.

Based in Corpus Christi, Texas, the purpose of Stark College & Seminary is to equip educationally underserved followers of Christ for service in the church and community. They provide a unique opportunity to the South Texas region, offering various levels of certification to help each student reach academic and personal goals. A student may earn a Certificate in Ministry, Diploma in Ministry, or a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry.

“This is the kind of cooperation between schools of like mind and like mission that can further the kingdom of God in many ways,” said Carroll president, Gene Wilkes. “We are excited to be a part of it. We are grateful to Stan Moore and our institution who have helped to make this work. We look forward to many students sharing the training that theological education will bring from both schools.”

Tony Celelli, president of Stark echoed similar sentiments.”Like B.H. Carroll, SCS exists to equip men and women to lead in the local church,” he said. “One of the things that appeal to us most about B.H. Carroll is the focus for the local church leader. And not just in the academic circles, but in church work – creating sharper men and women for the gospel and for the church.”

This MOU ensures ease of transfer for Stark Bachelor in Ministry graduates to enroll in one of three Advanced Track Programs at Carroll: Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Education, and Master of Arts in Worship.

In addition, Stark Master of Arts in Ministry students will be able to complete an additional masters degree at Carroll in order to reach Master of Divinity equivalency. Or, they may transfer half of the credits from the Stark Master of Arts in Ministry toward the completion of the Carroll Master of Divinity.

Students who wish to pursue a Doctor of Ministry degree will not require the Master of Divinity but can instead complete the Stark Master of Arts in Ministry and the Carroll Master of Arts in Theology, Christian Education, Worship, or Counseling. Carroll will then provide the opportunity for Stark students and graduates from the Master of Arts in Ministry who have reached Master of Divinity equivalency (72 total masters-level credit hours) to enroll in the Carroll Doctor of Ministry degree program.

Students participating in this partnership with Carroll can enroll in three different types of classes: (1) face-to-face in a physical classroom at one of the network teaching churches, (2) participate in a live video conferencing broadcast delivered to you over the Internet; or (3) connect to online courses.

Ultimately, B.H. Carroll can gain more students in their graduate programs through this partnership, and Stark will be able to provide online access to additional theological higher education for South Texas ministers so that they do not need to leave South Texas in order to reach their educational goals.

One of Carroll’s founders, Stan Moore, explained, “It was our dream to develop partnerships with institutions like Stark. When we met Tony for the first time, we thought, ‘That’s the kind of person we want to do ministry with.’ This is an answered prayer. This will advance the kingdom of God. It’s absolutely gratifying to see God working in Stark’s life and in Carrol’s life to bring about this time of partnership for kingdom purposes.”

Published: Aug 1, 2019


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