From the President January 2019
Supplying Needs, Overflowing with Thanks
Sometimes when I write a note of thanks to those who give to the mission of B. H. Carroll, I add the verse reference 2 Corinthians 9:12 under my signature. It reads,
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but it is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. (NIV)
The Apostle Paul penned that to his friends in Corinth who contributed to his offering for the brothers and sisters who were in need in Judea. Needs were met. Hearts overflowed with thanks to God.
As we begin this new calendar year, I want to share The Apostle’s sentiment with all the Carroll family. You have met our needs, and we are “overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” Your end-of-year gifts exceeded our expectations. I want to thank all who contributed through our Christmas Tree decorating campaign. We enter this calendar year with hope and resources to continue our mission to equip missional leaders.
If you have not read about our first graduates in Vietnam, please read the report here. I was deeply moved by the graduate who spoke on behalf of his fellow students when he said,
“On behalf of the graduates, I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to [B. H. Carroll] and to those who gave generously so that we could have access to training that many of us would have had no other ways to approach.”
You and our ministry partners, like First Baptist Church, Midland, TX, make it possible for students here and around the world to be equipped to serve Christ and his church where they live and serve. We live by the core values that seminary training should be affordable, accessible, and achievable. We are able to do this through your generosity and continued support.
I am excited at the beginning of this New Year for the growing number of Teaching Churches in the Carroll Nexus. Bacon Heights Baptist Church, Lubbock, TX, Paul Ann Baptist Church, San Angelo, TX and Waypoint Christian Church, Landstuhl, Germany are new to our Teaching Church network. Concho Valley Baptist Association has partnered with us to provide training for their Association churches. We also are in discussions with churches who have residency programs for future church leaders to provide theological content and courses for their participants. Our work to return theological education back to the local church and to find new ways to deliver accredited theological education continues to expand.
The need for trained church leaders through theological education continues to be great and urgent. Dr. Stan Moore, one of our founding Senior Fellows, reported on the number of pastors needed every day to meet the growth of the church globally. He reported:
The Lord is blessing His global church with 50,000 new converts every day, but who is there to disciple, teach, and pastor these new believers?! The WEA (World Evangelization Association) estimates that 1,000 new pastors are needed each day just to minister to new believers. However, many existing churches have no or inadequately trained ministers and leaders. To meet this need along with the new converts, the global church needs at least 1,000,000 new pastors every year!
God has given us the vision to deliver accredited theological education to Christ-centered leaders in their contexts through a network of ministry partners. Such a God-sized vision can be part of God’s provision to embrace this opportunity of growth. But, we need you.
Our number one goal in this academic year is to “make prayer truly the top priority by recruiting, tracking and engaging with prayer partners.” I am convinced that God answers prayers—specific prayers of his people. I also believe that prayer is our most valued resource. This is why I invite you to join the Carroll Prayer Network. You will receive regular prayer requests, answered prayers, and stories of God’s work in the lives of the Carroll Family…and you will be interceding on behalf of your brothers and sisters in Christ here and around the world.
Thank you, again, for supplying our needs. Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving to God because of you and all he has done.
Serving Him With You,