A Powerful Confirmation for the Carroll Model

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them,
because they were harassed and helpless,
like sheep without a shepherd
(Matthew 9:36 ESV)

Carroll’s call and goal to train a great host of missional leaders was powerfully confirmed in a recent conference that Gene Wilkes and I attended. In early November, we joined nearly 500 evangelical, theological educators who were attending the triennial meeting of ICETE (the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education) in Panama City, Panama. ICETE is a world-wide association of nine evangelical accrediting agencies that guide, serve, and oversee the work of over 1200 Christian theological institutions.

In one breakout session, we heard again of the great global need of pastors and leaders. The Lord is blessing His global church with 50,000 new converts every day, but who is there to disciple, teach, and pastor these new believers?! The WEA (World Evangelization Association) estimates that 1,000 new pastors are needed each day just to minister to new believers. However, many existing churches have no or inadequately trained ministers and leaders. To meet this need along with the new converts, the global church needs at least 1,000,000 new pastors every year!

The call to Carroll could not be clearer! The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. We at Carroll must maximize our efforts to equip missional leaders around the earth. We must meet our goal to double our students over the next 12 months. In Cuba, China, Russia, and Viet Nam where so few leaders are trained, we need to quadruple our efforts to train the next generations of pastors and ministers.

Please join us in this mission as we pray fervently for more students and faculty, as we faithfully disciple leaders throughout the earth, and as we give and ask others to give sacrificially to see God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven! This is a God-sized task. Please share this need with your family, friends, and church. Ask others to join us in this effort.

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Stan Moore
Senior Fellow
Worship and Mission Cluster

Published: Nov 10, 2018


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