Frank & Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy with British Baptist Theologian Stephen R. Holmes

B. H. Carroll Theological Institute is pleased to announce that Rev. Dr. Stephen Holmes will be the featured speaker for the Frank and Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy to be held November 13-14 at the Carroll Center. Stephen Holmes is a Baptist minister and serves as an Elder at St. Andrews Baptist Church in St. Andrews, Scotland.

Dr. Holmes is senior lecturer in theology at St. Mary’s College School of Divinity at St. Andrew’s University, Scotland, where he is, where he is Head of School. He was formerly lecturer in theology at King’s College London (1998-2005) and is still an associate lecturer at Spurgeon’s College, London (1999-). He teaches in the areas of historical and systematic theology. His research interests presently focus on historical theology, particularly in the early modern period, the doctrine of atonement and the doctrine of God.

Stephen did his Ph.D. studies on the theology of Jonathan Edwards under Colin Gunton at King’s College, London. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Peterhouse College, Cambridge, and a M.Th. from Spurgeon’s College in London. He gave the 2003 Whitley Lecture on Tradition and Renewal in Baptist Life, published at Regent’s Park College, Oxford; the 2007 Laing Lecture at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada; and the George Beasley-Murray Memorial Lecture presented at the Assembly of the Baptist Union of Great Britain in 2009.

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Frank & Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy
with British Baptist Theologian Stephen R. Holmes

13-14, 2017

He is on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Systematic Theology and The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research. He is also on the advisory board for the publications Baptistic Theologies of the International Baptist Theological Study Centre in Amsterdam and Ecclesial Practices, a journal publication of The Network for Ecclesiology and Ethnography.

Dr. Holmes is a trustee of the Evangelical Alliance, and a member of their Theology Advisory Group. He is also a member of the Doctrine and Unity Commission of the Baptist World Alliance. He is on the Councils of the Scottish Bible Society, and on the board of trustees of the Evangelical Alliance UK and of Chapel St Community Schools, a Christian charity working for social regeneration in deprived areas.

Several of Stephen Holmes recent publications include:

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Published: Oct 9, 2017


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