North Texas Giving Day – Sept. 14

We want to let you know that North Texas Giving Day (#NTxGivingDay) is a very important day in the life of B. H. Carroll. This day is a one day event, that in that past has raised over $100,000+ for the seminary. There are several key points to make about this event.

**Edit: We have pledged to give 10% of all #NTxGivingDay gifts to help with hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

***Also we have been given a $100,000 matching funds donation so now is the perfect time to give to Carroll — give now and double your donation!!!

What is North Texas Giving Day?

North Texas Giving Day is Communities Foundation of Texas’ annual 18-hour online giving extravaganza for North Texas nonprofits that is powered by creative nonprofits, social media activism, area wide collaboration, and of course you!

North Texas Giving Day’s goal is to help build awareness and support for nonprofits in the North Texas region.

Since 2009, Communities Foundation of Texas’ North Texas Giving Day has pumped more than $156 million, for over 2,500 local nonprofits, into the North Texas Community. In 2016, $37 million was raised through more than 142,000 gifts benefiting 2,518 nonprofits.

When is North Texas Giving Day?

Giving Day 2017 is Thursday, September 14, 2017 from 6 AM Central – Midnight.

Where is North Texas Giving Day?

North Texas Giving Day is an online event. Most of the activity takes place via this website.

  1. It is a website and it is very important that you give on the website. (If you are not comfortable giving online I will address a solution in point number two.) The reason that this is important is because there are extra moneys from the organization coordinating all this. The Communities Foundation of Texas gives extra monies to each organization that receives donations on the day of through the website.
  2. If for some reason you do not feel comfortable giving online that is understandable. You can mail a check in early that Carroll can then convert to the online site through other means. You must mail your check by Sept. 5th to ensure it is received in time.
  3. There is a new way to give that has just been introduced this year. In the past North Texas Giving Day has always required that you give ON the DAY between 6am and Midnight (CST). This has changed with the introductions of Scheduled Giving! Scheduled giving allows you to the site beginning Sept. 7th at 8am and set up/schedule your gift to be taken out on September 14th.


Published: Sep 2, 2017


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