Carroll Institute is offering two intensive seminars in Cuba

March 18-25, 2017

Carroll Institute invites you to be a part of an exciting and stimulating week of taking classes with fellow Carroll Cuban students in their context and culture. During the week of March 18-25, Carroll Institute is offering two intensive seminars:

The courses will be presented in English and Spanish at the Buddy Rees School of Ministry at Primera Iglesia Bautista (First Baptist Church) in Camagüey, Cuba. Students will complete the course work and attend the week-long intensive seminars with the Cuban students. Students and guests will have the opportunity to attend Sunday worship at Primera Iglesia Bautista and have time for some sightseeing.

Old Testament III SWBLI 5113

taught by Dr. Bill Bryan, Adjunct Faculty in Old Testament


Christian Heritage I FHCHS 5111

taught by Dr. Justin Tollison, Adjunct Faculty in Christian Heritage




Cost for Carroll students:

Travel and hotel lodging for the full week including tuition:

  • $1750.00 (includes one or both courses)

Friends and supporters of Carroll Institute are invited to accompany students and faculty on the trip to Cuba to experience Carroll’s global reach of preparing men and women for ministry. Guests have the option of leaving with the group on Saturday, March 18, and returning on Wednesday, March 22.

Cost for guests:

  • Half week: Travel and hotel lodging – $1,050

An up-to-date passport is required. You can register for the trip by completing the application form and returning it to Dr. Adlin Cotto, Director of Master’s Degree Programs and Hispanic Studies Programs.

Deadline to register is February 1.

If you have questions, contact the Cuba study trip coordinator, Dr. Adlin Cotto, or call 972.580.7600, ext. 27.

Our next Cuba trip is scheduled for late September 2017. More information will be released in the next coming months.

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Camagüey, a beautiful city with historic neighborhoods and a diverse cultural heritage, is the perfect setting for a meaningful cross-cultural learning experience. Carroll Institute’s mission is to equip men and women called to serve Christ in the diverse and global ministries of His church. Studying in a different context and culture helps students gain a global perspective and it becomes more than an academic experience – it is a life experience of embracing a different culture, participating in new customs, trying new foods, and interacting with Cuban brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you are unable to join the Carroll study trip to Cuba, but would like to support a student or faculty member on the trip or the Buddy Rees School of Ministry, you can donate here.




Published: Jan 17, 2017


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