The B. H. Carroll Board of Governors elected three new Governors at their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at the Carroll Center in Irving, TX. The three new Board members are:
- Dr. David Ritsema
- Pastor, First Baptist Church, Waxahachie, TX
- Mr. David Chisum
- SVP & CFO, CPA Presco Polymers, L.P., Sherman, TX
- Mr. Wayne Stevenson
- Retired Businessman and member of several non-profit and ministry boards
These men and their families bring the expertise of their experience and hearts for building up the local church which I know the Lord will use to further the global mission of the Institute,
remarked Carroll’s President, Dr. Gene Wilkes.

Dr. David Ritsema is a 2011 Ph.D. graduate of B. H. Carroll and the first Carroll alumni to serve on the Board of Governors. He and his wife, Angela, are parents of three young sons.

Mr. Chisum and his wife, Tracy, are members of Legacy Church Plano, TX, a Carroll Teaching Church and supporters of local ministries through their church.

Mr. Stevenson and his wife, Buena, are members of First Baptist Plano, TX and serve through ministries like The Bill Glass Prison Ministry, Hands In Service Ministry working in Northern Mexico, and Act Beyond, a church planting ministry to world areas having no access to the Gospel.
These new Governors join the other members of the Board of Governors to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ by equipping men and women called to serve Christ in the diverse and global ministries of his church.