“No Need Among You” Conference Makes an Impact on Carroll Students and Staff

The Texas Christian Community Development Network held its annual No Need Among You Conference on October 5-7, 2016, hosted by Cliff Temple Baptist Church in Dallas. There were 520 people in attendance at a conference that focuses on how to empower the poor and revitalize communities. The conference featured 55 workshops, seven plenary speakers, and six ministry tours. Carroll Institute is a sponsor of the NNAY Conference and hosted a booth as an exhibitor.

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Carroll Institute was well-represented at the conference by staff, students, and faculty. President Gene Wilkes, Michael McMinn (Carroll’s Online Community and Social Media Strategist), and Justin Tollison (Resident Fellow and Student Recruiter) shared with attendees who stopped by the booth about Carroll’s mission and how the Institute is partnering with TxCCDN by offering a Christian Community Development course as part of its curriculum. Dr. Larry Ashlock (Director of Carroll’s D.Min. program and Professor of Pastoral Leadership and Ethics) taught a workshop on “Hungering for Change: Building and Sustaining a Table of Ministry for the Food Insecure.”

As a sponsor of the NNAY Conference, Carroll Institute receives scholarships which provide free registration for two students to attend all the sessions and events of the conference. This year, Michele Reimer (M.A. in Religion) and Portland Jane Mithen (M.A. in Worship) participated in the conference. In addition to the conference sessions, the students on scholarship from Carroll, along with students from Baylor’s Truett Seminary, Bakke Graduate University, and Dallas Baptist University, received course credit for attending the intensive seminars taught by Dr. Jimmy Dorrell, Founder and Board President of TxCCDN, and guest lecturers. You can read more about the “No Need Among You Conference” from the viewpoints of Michael McMinn, Dr. Larry Ashlock, and Carroll students Michele Reimer and Jane Mithen, in the blog series releasing this week.

Published: Nov 1, 2016


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