Partnering Together to Fulfill God’s Global Mission

Jesus and Paul more often than not completed their mission with others at their side. Jesus invested his life into The Twelve, and he sent his followers out two by two. (Mark 6:7) Paul recorded the names of those who served with him, and he considered some like Epaphroditus, a brother, co-worker and fellow soldier. (Phil. 2:25) We learn from their examples that we best carry out God’s mission call on our lives with others at our side. Partners in ministry bring both additional joy and shared burdens. God never intended us to be superheroes—that’s a postmodern myth that elevates humans to pagan gods. God created us to be in fellowship with him and to live and to serve in community with his people. That’s why Jesus came, and it is a primary purpose for who we are in Christ Jesus.

B. H. Carroll Theological Institute would not exist if it were not for our partners in ministry. God has called alongside us individuals, churches, foundations, and families who are captured by the global vision God has given us, and they have invested in that vision in so many ways. I thank God daily for those he has graced us with as we live out his call on our lives.

Last week was the annual North Texas Giving Day, which we began to participate in three years ago. Through our partners in ministry God provided over $124,000.00 in one day! Some gifts were received outside the NTGD site but were designated for that day’s giving. We are humbled and grateful for everyone’s participation and prayers on that day.

I recently returned from Cuba with Dr. Adlin Cotto, Carroll’s Director of Master’s Degree Programs, her husband, Robert, a servant of the Lord, Dr. Stephen Hatfield, Carroll Governor and Resident Fellow who taught a course on Philippians, and Natalie, a Carroll student who traveled with us to take the courses with the Cuban students. My prayer is that more of our domestic students will travel when possible to take courses with our global students. We taught in partnership with the Buddy Rees School of Ministry, which is one of the ministries of Primera Iglesia Bautista, Camaguey, along with Abel Gonzalez, a Carroll graduate and the church’s pastor. Twenty-nine (29) students made up the cohort of students who began their work on a Master of Arts in Theology degree from Carroll.

Our work in Cuba cannot happen without our partners:

  • Park Cities Baptist Church, Dallas, Missions Committee provided the funds for the students’ travel, housing and food. Thank you Greg Boyd and the members of Park Cities who have been partners in this ministry from its beginning.
  • The George W. Truett Seminary provided the textbooks for the students for both courses. Thank you, Dr. Todd Still, for your vision to partner together to equip the church leaders in this strategic country. My prayer is that we can find other ways to partner together to provide resources and training for these leaders.
  • Donors to Carroll provide the expenses for the staff of Carroll who travel to serve the students through teaching. (You can give to the Cuban program here.)

God provides for those he calls, and we experience this every day at Carroll Institute. Please join us on this partnership of the Gospel to equip those called to serve Christ and his church.

I pray for you the prayer of Paul for his partners in ministry in Philippi:

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Phil. 1:3-6; NIV

In partnership with you,

Published: Sep 28, 2016


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