B. H. Carroll Theological Institute Celebrates its 11ᵗʰ Convocation

The Convocation and Graduation ceremony of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute was held May 27, 7:00 p.m., at First Baptist Church, Saginaw, Texas. It was an exciting and inspiring evening as degrees were conferred upon 11 graduates.

Dr. Richard Jackson, Chair of Carroll’s Board of Governors, delivered the Convocation address entitled “B. H. Carroll…In Covenant with the Christ” based on Matthew 16:13-20; 28:16-20. The Singing Men of North Central Texas presented four musical selections that inspired and encouraged all in attendance. They closed the ceremony by singing “The Lord’s Prayer.”

Jason Jones, a member of Carroll’s Board of Governors, was this year’s recipient of the President’s Award. Mr. Jones is Chief Technology Officer at SimpleLTC Systems, Inc., a healthcare technology company. Jason has been instrumental in Carroll’s new branding and web design and has supported the Institute through his generous gifts.

Four students in the doctoral program received their Doctor of Philosophy degrees during the hooding ceremony:

Matthew Ernest Baird

Matthew Ernest Baird

Brownfield, Texas
Supervisor: Bruce Corley
Dissertation: Elijah, Jesus, and the Coming of Yahweh: A Christological
Foundation in Mark 1:2-3

Justin Edward Horton

Justin Edward Horton

Portland, Texas
Supervisor: Larry C. Ashlock
Dissertation: A Communal Model of Ecclesial Leadership for Postmodern Context: A Comparative Study between Robert Greenleaf’s Servant Leadership and Stanley Grenz’s “Community”

John Thomas Swann

John Thomas Swann

Longview, Texas
Supervisor: Rick Johnson
Dissertation: “Let Us Make Man in Our Image, After Our Likeness:” Examining the Image of God as a Statement of the Priestly Calling and Nature of Humankind

Garland Thomas Vaughn

Garland Thomas Vaughn

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Supervisor: Scott Floyd
Dissertation: A Conditional Process Analysis of Variables Contributing to theFulfillment of ASERVIC Spiritual Competencies

Degrees were awarded to seven students in the master’s program:

Master of Arts in Religion:

Guy Fredrick Earle

Guy Fredrick Earle

Larry Wallace Key II

Larry Wallace Key II
(in absentia)

Megan Higgins Key

Megan Higgins Key
(in absentia)

Master of Arts in Christian Education:

Jesse Montgomery Thomason

Jesse Montgomery Thomason

Master of Arts in Theology:

Livan Quintana Poveda

William E. Newton III, Liván Quintana Poveda

Gilberto Santiago

Gilberto Santiago

A reception followed at the church to honor the graduates and their families.

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You can watch the video of the 2016 Convocation here

Published: Jun 2, 2016


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