Carroll Holds In-House Colloquy for Faculty and Doctoral Students

Please be in prayer for the Carroll Senior Fellows, Fellows, Resident Fellows, Supervisors, and all doctoral students as they attend the upcoming Spring Colloquy, May 18-20, at the new Carroll Center. This event will be quite different from our previous colloquies and could not come at a more opportune season in our academic year.

Faculty members and students oftentimes wish for a more informal opportunity to draw aside for inspiration and instruction. With this in mind, the Hub faculty has planned a “Carroll Family Retreat” that will include uplifting worship, fellowship, and a specific focus on the internal aspects of PhD and DMin degree completion.*

We look forward to the return of our Carroll Lecture series at the Fall 2015 Colloquy with Dr. Linda Cannell!

(*Doctoral Schedules and Updated degree audits will be sent to each student and Supervisor soon.) 

Published: May 4, 2015


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