From the President: The Carroll Hub is Moving!

The Carroll Hub is moving!

By a unanimous vote by the Board of Governors B. H. Carroll is the new owner of 6500 N. Belt Line Rd.IrvingTX75063. The 29,000 sq. ft. office building will be the new location of Carroll’s administrative Hub by the end of March 2015. The building is located near the intersection of Highway 114 and the President George Bush Turnpike in Las Colinas, a premier business center in the center of the DFW Metroplex.


The Lord made this purchase possible through the generous donations of the Eula Mae and John Baugh Foundation and the Christ Is Our Salvation Foundation (Paul and Shirley Piper, Jr.) along with a gift and the seasoned direction of John Wilkerson, Jr. of Lubbock, TX. Many others, including our Governors, staff and supporters, played important roles in securing this new home for the Hub of Carroll’s global enterprise. Many pieces needed to come together in a relatively short period of time that we can only give God the credit for the final transaction that took place on December 30, 2014.

The Carroll Center, as we will call it, will be the home of our Hub faculty and staff, and we will continue to house the Newport FoundationCollection. We will have additional space for meetings and instruction on site. The building will also continue to provide office space for existing and new tenants. This owner/renter arrangement will provide financial resources to care for the building through a Property Manager and supply additional resources to fund Carroll’s mission.

We are currently in the process of designing the space and configuring offices to meet our needs. We need new carpet, paint, fixtures, furniture and break room accessories to build out our new space. You will find a list of these costs below, and I would encourage you to prayerfully consider giving to these needs and sharing them with your friends, family and church family. We will have special opportunities to honor a loved one or family through named gifts in the new Hub. For example, we will have a fully equipped “smart classroom” in the Hub to video, stream, create and edit course content. We will also have state-of-the-art meeting and conference rooms.

Please join me in praising the Lord and thanking our donors for this new place of growth and service to men and women called to serve Christ and His Church.

Endowed Colloquy Fund

I would also like to announce the establishment of the Frank & Pauline Patterson Endowed Colloquy Fund, which was made possible through a gift by Dr. and Mrs. Burton Patterson of Colleyville, TX. The endowed fund will provide financial support for Carroll’s doctoral colloquies that are held twice a year and are core to our doctoral programs. We are grateful to the Patterson’s investment in Carroll’s mission and those we serve here and around the world through our doctoral studies programs. We will make a formal recognition of this fund at our Convocation on Friday, May 22. Please join me in thanking the Pattersons for their investment in the future of theological education through B. H. Carroll.

God has His hand on Carroll Institute and the work we do to equip missional leaders around the world. I am humbled and grateful for His favor, and I am convinced this next decade of service to the Lord will be as significant as our first decade of ministry and service. Thank you for being part of this grand adventure God has called us on which gives honor and glory to His Son, Jesus.

Hub Needs

We would like to have these items donated so we can invest Carroll’s resources in our mission and people. Some friends, family, or members of your church may have an interest in investing their resources to partner with us as we expand our possibilities to deliver accredited theological education to Christ-centered leaders where they live and serve.

These are estimated amounts needed to build out and equip the new Hub.

Demolition and New Construction $2,300
Carpet $24,000
Paint $48,000
New Entry Door and Window Wall $7,800
Break Room(s) Tile / Accessories $5,800
New Monument Sign $2,000
Meeting Room Equip. (TVs, Projectors, etc…) $15,000
“Smart Classroom” Build Out $75,000
Conference Room Equip. $4,000

Please contact Bruce Muskrat or me to get the details of these projects.



I am serving with you,

Gene Wilkes

Published: Jan 28, 2015


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