Special Course Offerings for Paschal and Omega Terms 2015

Carroll Institute is offering two one-week intensive courses during the spring semester. Once again, the Christian Community Development Course (WMMIS 5122.111) will be taught by Dr. Jimmy Dorrell during the Paschal Term on January 13-18, 2015. This time, the class will be held in Waco, Texas. The course is founded on biblical principles and practical issues that lead to the best practices for transforming marginal urban neighborhoods. For more details regarding the course, contact Dr. Stan Moore.

The next “No Need Among You” Conference will be held October 14-16, 2015 in Austin, TX.

A new course, Church Planting: Planting and Leading Mission-Shaped New Churches (WMEVA 5311 or WMMIS 5311), will be taught by Dr. Stan Wood. Dr. Wood received his D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Practical Theology from Kings College, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He is also an adjunct professor teaching church planting courses at Fuller, Columbia, Memphis, Denver and Pittsburgh Theological Seminaries.

For the last 32 years Stan has been involved in Church Planting as a church planter and missiologist. He has been a guest lecturer on church planting and evangelism at many theological institutions and regional evangelism celebrations in the US and in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. As a mission executive for church planting he coaches church planters, works with new churches from planning to organization and with middle governing bodies that provide oversight and funding.

The church planting course will be taught as a one-week intensive Online video course on March 23-24, 26-27, 2015 from 6-9 pm EST. On the final day, March 28, it will be taught online from 10 am – 12 am noon EST.

Dr. Wood describes the course as a

one-week intensive course that frames church planting as an integral part of the Triune God’s extension of Christ’s reign and foretaste of Christ’s kingdom. It introduces a biblical and theological basis for the calling and sending of leaders to plant mission-shaped churches. It assists students in visioning missional church planting strategy that is contextualized in the North American mission field. This course includes a process of leadership skill and gift development for mission-shaped ministries. Students will create a skill and gift development plan based on 21st century disciple making and reflective learning from profiles of effective and faithful church planter leadership skills, traits and spiritual gifts.

Course syllabus for Church Planting: Planting and Leading Mission-Shaped New Churches (WMEVA 5311 or WMMIS 5311)

For additional registration details regarding the church planting course, contact Dr. Stan Moore. Carroll Institute welcomes Dr. Stan Wood to the faculty as a Resident Fellow.

Published: Jan 16, 2015
