From the President: Everyday People Speaking Everyday Language

Everyday people speaking everyday language

I recently spoke at the Spring Commencement of the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics (GIAL) in Grand Prairie, TX. In light of their mission, my core message to the graduates was, “The message of God’s love rides on the waves of everyday language spoken and written by everyday people carried along by the wind of the Holy Spirit,” and their job was to translate that love into everyday language of those they will serve. Like Carroll Institute, GIAL provides quality training to share God’s love through written and spoken word. Academic rigor and excellence guide the discipline and learning that will produce skills necessary to communicate the Gospel to all people groups. But, in the end, all the academic work that is done must translate into a clear message of God’s love through His Son, Jesus. That’s one reason why I love Carroll Institute: we offer the finest accredited academic programs taught by a world-class faculty, but we are “everyday people” who speak “everyday language” so all can know Jesus, the Christ. We will always have that end as our goal.

Dr. Craig Keener presented relevant and scholarly insights into the Historical Jesus and Miracles. You can watch his lectures on our YouTube Channel. It was good to see faculty, doctoral supervisors, doctoral students, and interested learners join us for the event. Mark your calendars for our Fall Colloquy, November 11 , which will be held in First Baptist Church, Waco , as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our namesake’s passing, B. H. Carroll, First Baptist’s Pastor.

Convocation was a wonderful time to celebrate our graduates with their friends and family. Dr. Corley’s presentation of the President’s Award to Fran Wilson was a highlight for me personally as he told of Fran’s pioneering spirit and work, which is the heart of Carroll, and how she challenged us to continue in that spirit as we step into God’s future for us. I was honored to present degrees for the first time to the graduates who represent us so well where they live and serve. The Singing Men of North Texas always inspire and lead us to worship through their message in song. You can see the Convocation service in its entirety on our YouTube Channel.

The end of our fiscal year is June 30 , and I want to thank all ot schools california, you have given so faithfully this year to give us the financial resources we need to continue our global mission to equip men and women called to serve Christ and His church. We will finish strong financially this year, but we can use your financial gifts to invest in our students here and around the world. If you have not given to the mission of Carroll this year or want to add to your gifts, you can do so here on our donation website .

I continue to be energized and blessed by those who are the Carroll Family. Our reach is global, but our work is as close as those God puts in our path each day. I am honored to work with a faculty, staff, Governors, and students who commit themselves to the highest academic work and are willing to kneel to serve those with whom they live and serve in the name of Jesus.

Learning and Serving with you,


Gene Wilkes
Published: Jun 28, 2014


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