I want to thank each of you who are part of the Carroll family for your kind reception and encouragement of me as your new President. Kim and I were humbled by the Inauguration service and the presence of those who attended and sent messages. I am grateful to Dr. Corley, the Board of Governors, the Senior Fellows and all who envisioned a Gospel-centered, global enterprise like Carroll Institute. Our first decade of ministry was a miracle of God who provided resources and servant leaders for his eternal purposes. I would not be in this position or Carroll Institute in this place in history if it were not for the “great host of spiritual leaders” who has gone before me. My pledge is to carry on our shared vision into the second decade of growth and influence.
Here are some current items of interest that illustrate how Carroll Institute continues to fulfill its mission to equip men and women called to serve Christ in the diverse and global ministries of his church:
- Our 2013-14 total unique headcount enrollment as of April is 434. Our domestic unique headcount in our degree programs is 171, and our global students in countries like China, Russia, Vietnam, and Cuba number 174. God continues to draw students and learners to Carroll for training in ministry and service here and around the globe.
- The Association of Theological Schools Board of Directors met last month, and they will recommend to the Members of ATS that Carroll Institute be considered for election as an Associate Member at the June 2014 Biennial Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. This recommendation along with our full accreditation by ABHE in 2012 recognizes Carroll’s commitment to academic excellence. Our goal is full membership status by ATS in 2016.
- Our Spring Colloquy, May 19 and 20, will feature the world-class scholar and author Dr. Craig Keener. His work on the historical Jesus and miracles is as relevant as conversations you have each day around your schools and offices. This is primarily an academic gathering for our doctoral students, but Dr. Keener’s clear message and proven scholarship will equip you to defend your faith in any setting. You can register here.
- At our Convocation, Friday evening, May 23, at First Baptist Church, Arlington, TX, we will graduate one Certificate in Advanced Ministry Training, eleven Master’s degrees and five doctoral degrees. We will also graduate students in Russia and Cuba later this year. We will have over 80 alumni serving around the world after this graduation.
So much more is happening in the Carroll Nexus, and I hope you will take time to view what is going on through our website.
God has blessed Carroll Institute and our shared efforts to equip church leaders here and around the world. Your financial support along with the support of individual donors, churches, and foundations make all of this possible. You can give several ways to continue our work together, and I invite you to consider giving a one-time or on-going gift to our many programs in which we serve Christ’s global church. You can make a donation here.
My goal is to communicate with you through this newsletter and periodic messages to you directly. Please feel free to contact me so I can assist you as you pursue God’s call on your life and ministry.
My life verse and message is: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) My prayer is that I can continue to live out that mission with you as we together serve our Lord and his mission call on our lives.
Serving with you,