Christian Community Development Class

The division of evangelism from social action in the early 1900s negatively impacted the mission of the church to “seek the shalom of the city” (Jeremiah 29:7), “loose the chains of injustice and repairer of broken walls” (Isa 58;12), and “bring good news to the poor.” (Lk 4:18). Christian community development embraces a holistic theology that integrates faith and action to impact our cities with a kingdom mindset.

On October 13-17, 2014, in Austin, Texas, B.H. Carroll Theological Institute offers students an exciting new course founded on biblical principles that leads to transforming our cities. The first two days bring various lecturers and practitioners into the classroom for engaging learning and dialogue around Christian community development foundations. The next three days, students participate in the Texas Christian Community Development Network’s “No Need Among You Conference,” located in the heart of a marginalized neighborhood in NE Austin. With outstanding plenary speakers and over thirty workshops, students will learn how to make a difference in their ministry context.

  • Practitioners will address social issues such as predatory lending, sex trafficking, racial reconciliation and immigration;
  • Special populations including drop out youth, ex-offenders, and the unemployed will be explored;
  • A tract on advocacy to help Christians understand how to “defend the poor” (Prov 31:9) will be taught;
  • Ministry tours to local best practices are included;
  • Exhibitors will offer unique resources to address various issues;
  • A special Friday morning meeting on justice at the Texas State Capitol will conclude in prayer for God’s justice on the South Steps;
  • Networking with over 400 Christians across the State offers students opportunities to find collaboration and jobs in this area.

Want to know more? Check out details at and register soon for the class and conference.

Published: Apr 14, 2014


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