New Doctor of Ministry Degree Program Concentration in Leadership

All interested applicants in Leadership, or any other DMIN major, are encouraged to take advantage of an open enrollment period that begins May 1, 2014 and ends June 30, 2014.

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B. H. Carroll Theological Institute announces the addition of a new Doctor of Ministry Degree Program concentration in Leadership to begin in August 2014. Carroll’s DMIN program provides a fully accredited degree through the Association of Biblical Higher Education that incorporates both online and residential learning encounters. Students participate in online seminars termed Round Tables and attend two Colloquies annually (three days each in both May and November).

The concentration of four courses would fulfill the Round Table seminar requirements for year’s 1-2.

Models of Church Leadership

The seminar explores contemporary models of Christian church leadership, examines their biblical/theological/historical bases, and evaluates them in light of a biblical servant-leadership approach. (2 units)

Leadership and Social Justice (Leadership at the Margins of Society)

The seminar examines how Christian leadership impacts human dignity and social justice. Health/hunger, economics/poverty, and education will be key areas of exploration. A biblical model will be used as a basis for this study. (2 units)

Organizational Leadership

The seminar explores the nature of, and approaches to, Christian leadership in complex organizations from a global perspective. Areas of focus include corporate/institutional values and norms, authenticity, and globalization. (2 units)

Leadership and Cultures

The seminar examines missional leadership strategies from a global perspective that includes cultures, people groups, and major world religions (inclusive of American Christianity). (2 units)


Published: Mar 17, 2014


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