Principled Leadership Conference

First Baptist Church of Midland, Texas Sponsors Second Annual Principled Leadership Conference

In March, First Baptist Church of Midland, Texas, a Teaching Church with B. H. Carroll Theological Institute, will sponsor its second annual “Principled Leadership Conference.” The conference will be held Thursday, March 20, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Wagner & Brown Auditorium in the Allison Fine Arts building on the Midland Collegecampus. Please view the PDF brochure for more information.

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Dr. Randel Everett, pastor of FBC Midland, and Dr. Harvey Perkins, CEO and Founder of the Urban Learning and Leadership Center in Hampton, Virginia, will lead the conference. The purpose of the conference is to equip participants to think critically about the changing patterns and challenges of society and to explore possibilities for utilizing their unique leadership skills and identifying contemporary resources for assisting communities to navigate the uncharted waters facing both the public and private sectors.

Academic credit will be available for students in the Diploma and Master’s degree programs of Carroll Institute who participate in the Leadership Conference and who are enrolled in the BHCTI course “Leadership in Ministry” taught by Dr. John Copeland, Resident Fellow and West Texas Area Coordinator. For more details regarding the course that will be offered during the Omega Term, contact Dr. Copeland

Published: Jan 20, 2014


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