Fall Colloquy “Walking With God in Worship and Life

Dr. Gerald Borchert is Senior Professor at Carson—Newman College and Emeritus Thesis Director at the Robert Webber Institute for Worship Studies. He is a Canadian lawyer who holds a Princeton Ph.D. in New Testament and did post-doctoral work in Jerusalem, Cambridge, Hamburg, Duke and Boston. He has taught in a number of places in Africa, the Americas, Asia, the Middle East and Europe and has been the dean of two American seminaries. A translator for the New Living Translation, he has penned over 150 articles and a score of books including commentaries on John, Galatians, Revelation, Thessalonians and Worship in the New Testament . He has been a Seminar leader for over 40 tours to the Holy Land and the Mediterranean World and has penned 2 volumes as guides to The Lands of the Bible : one on Israel, Egypt, Jordan, etc and the other on Greece and Turkey. His most recent major work is Jesus of Nazareth: Background, Witnesses and Significance .

Dr. Borchert will be lecturing on the theme “Walking with God in Worship and Life.” Three lecture and dialog sessions will be based on the following topics:

  • Session 1: Who is This Jesus that Defines Our Worship?
  • Session 2: Differences between Religion and Authentic Worship
  • Session 3: Hard Realities of Christian Life and Worship

Fall Colloquy Schedule for the General Public and Registration Options below:

Monday, November 11, 2013
1:45—2:00 Worship
2:00—3:00 Session 1: Gerald Borchert (West Wing)
3:00—3:30 Break
3:30—4:30 Session 1 Q & A: Gerald Borchert (West Wing)
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
8:30—9:00 Worship
9:00—10:00 Session 2: Gerald Borchert (West Wing)
10:00—10:30 Break (Carroll Bistro)
10:30—11:30 Session 2 Q & A: Gerald Borchert (West Wing)
11:30—1:30 Lunch
1:30—1:45 Worship
1:45—2:45 Session 3: Gerald Borchert (West Wing)
2:45—3:00 Break (Carroll Bistro)
3:00—4:00 Session 3 Q& A: Gerald Borchert (West Wing)
6:00—8:00 Carroll Fellowship Meal—Gerald Borchert—Testimony (Fellowship Hall, FBC Arlington)

Student/Guest Registration                                                         Faculty/Staff Registration

Published: Oct 7, 2013


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